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Robotic applications tend to diversify

作者:    时间:2019-08-30    浏览次数:549

In 2016, the application range of domestic robots has obviously expanded to become a highlight. Statistics show that the main application areas of domestic robots are still focused on handling and loading and unloading, but the service industry has covered 34 major industries and 91 industries in the national economy. Robot consumption in the consumer goods manufacturing industries such as furniture, clothing and tobacco. Both have achieved double growth.

"This further shows that China's complete manufacturing sector provides a broad market space for the application of industrial robots." Song Xiaogang believes that China's robot industry is in a period of rapid development. China has been the world's largest robot market in the past three years. This trend is expected to continue this year. It is expected that China's robot production capacity will double in the next few years.

Nowadays, the industrial robot field has made amazing progress and is widely used in automotive and auto parts manufacturing, electrical and electronic industry, rubber and plastics industry, food industry, logistics, machining industry, welding, surface coating, polishing and polishing. , loading and unloading, assembly, inspection and warehouse stacking and many other fields.

"From the current development situation, the robot functions are more diversified, and the robot sales structure is improving. In general, China's robot industry has made great progress, and the average annual growth rate is much higher than the growth rate of the national industrial and equipment manufacturing industry." Lu Yuepin believes that at present, the demand for industrial robots in China is in an explosive period. The future development point must select some market-oriented products with high cost performance according to the diversified demand characteristics of customers.

Song Xiaogang said that the traditional application field of industrial robots is automobiles. The products of several giant robot companies in the world are mainly used in the automotive field. They do not have such a comprehensive and subdivided manufacturing category in China, and they are not likely to be familiar with so many processes. "Our advantage lies in this. In the future, we need a large number of system integrators who understand the performance of robots and are familiar with the process of sub-sectors. This is the direction that domestic brands can force and catch up."