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Several Principles for the Design of Non-standard Automated Equipment in Chongqing

作者:    时间:2019-08-30    浏览次数:557

No matter what kind of product to achieve a larger market breakthrough, it must have a very good function. The same is true for non-standard automation equipment, and there must be a very clear design concept before production. To determine the style of the product and the connotation it gives, the following are some of the principles to be followed in designing non-standard automated non-standard equipment.
1, the appearance of the machine is beautiful. Anyone likes a good-looking product, and this is the first impression consumers have when choosing a product. Under the same conditions of other functions, consumers will be more willing to choose non-standard automated non-standard equipment with beautiful appearance.
2. Is the machine convenient to operate? One of the key reasons for the use of non-standard automation equipment is convenience. However, if the non-standard automation equipment produced is very complicated, messy, or even more troublesome than the production of the craft, this kind of goods must not be spent. Demand. Therefore, it is the automated non-standard equipment required by all users to plan a simple and simple non-standard automation device.
3, the structure is reasonable, easy to disassemble. When the machine is in use, it will inevitably fail. The reasonable design and construction of non-standard automation equipment will facilitate disassembly and assembly. One is to prevent wasteful moments, and the second is to repair it.