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Chongqing non-standard automation equipment is growing in various fields of application

作者:    时间:2019-08-30    浏览次数:596


The development of science and technology has made the industry more expectant of improving work efficiency. In many industries, it is no exception. To achieve high efficiency, equipment automation is a good choice. As more and more companies focus on the field of automation, this has brought development opportunities to the non-standard automation machinery industry. With the continuous improvement of labor costs, how to improve the service level has become a top priority for the non-standard automation equipment machinery industry. In the production labor sector, the wages of factory workers in labor-intensive enterprises are a large expenditure, which has risen sharply in recent years. Under the premise of ensuring product quality, in order to make cheaper products, the only way to go is to pursue automation, reduce production costs and improve production efficiency.

Non-standard automation equipment is also in the field of automation, but the difference is that its production is not as simple as ordinary equipment. Non-standard automation equipment is a non-standard type of automation equipment customized according to customer requirements. It is an automated mechanical equipment tailored to customer requirements and process requirements. Its operation is simple, convenient, flexible, user-friendly, and its functions can be customized. The requirements are increased, and the space can be changed. It is commonly used in industrial, electronic, medical, health, automotive, hardware, aerospace and other fields.
